Sunday, February 6, 2011


At the Rat Mort

By Toulouse Lautrec
I am starting this blog with one of my favorite paintings by Lautrec which shows a garish young lady who is obviously having a good time at a expensive bar in Paris.
I believe that may be me next to her.  This is one of the smaller size dioramas with dimensions of 2 ft wide, 3ft high and 3 inches deep.

Lautrec painting a lot of great stuff and I like the all; however, I only converted some of them to dioramas.  I have selected a few of them for this blog.

The next diorama is shown at a different angle with some of the other work in our barn.  The large lady is one of Da Vinci's paintings which I painted on a shade screen (6 X 8 ft).  She will be discussed in  a later blog.

 The next Lautrec is called "At the Moulin Rouge"  shows several of Lautrec's acquaintances and Toulouse himself walking with his friend Dr. de Celelyran.  The doctor is the tall man in the glare of the mirror and little Toulouse is wearing a bowler hat and is difficult to see because of the dark clothing and the poor photography (mine).

This diorama is small but is relatively deep (2 ft wide, 2.5 ft high and 1 ft deep).


The next one is called "The Moorish Dance" which shows one of Lautrec's favorite people by the name of La Goulue.  The onlookers in the foreground are Oscar Wilde in the top hat, entertainer Jane Avril and the artist himself in the bowler hat.  No, I am not the guy with the long skinny white beard and bright yellow-white coat.  He is La Goulue's favorite dancing partner whose name I can't remember right now.  If anyone out there remembers his name, please advise.


This photo shows two dioramas I made of the same painting which shows his favorite dancer entering the Moulin Rouge with two "friends".  The one on the left looks like a body guard and the other a girl friend.

The diorama on the right has a slightly different backgound than the one on the left.  The man close to the mirror in the right one could be me.  I am pretty sure I was there that night.


Messalina was an opera star who fasinated the artist and he painted the leading lady performing.  It is one of his last paintings and is generally considered to be an excellent example of his mastery of loose sketchy application of bold colors.  (size: 3 ft wide, 3 ft high and 8 inches deep)


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